My Little Island Level 2 CD-ROM

Discussion in 'English for Kids' started by admin, Mar 30, 2015.

  1. admin

    admin Thư Viện Sách Việt Staff Member Quản Trị Viên

    There is an exciting place for very young learners to begin their journey of learning English... My Little Island. Children will love the fun characters and motivating stories and will be inspired to listen, speak, and start reading and writing in English.
    • Child-centered themes develop the cognitive, emotional, and social skills of the whole learner
    • Designed to help children learn to communicate in English through a four skills approach that builds language proficiency through pre-reading/reading, pre-writing/writing, listening, and speaking lessons and activities
    • Links to daily life through useful vocabulary, language, values, and cross-curricular connections immerse students in English
    • Guided communication, fun characters, and engaging stories motivate children to listen, speak, and start reading and writing English more than ever before!
    • Digital components to help young learners, their parents, and the teachers:
    1. CD-ROMs: The CD-ROM features a story, video clips related to the unit theme, as well as a variety of games and activities including matching, sorting, concentration, and multiple-choice.
    2. ActiveTeach CD-ROM: Student Book pages can be projected onto the big screen, using this interactive whiteboard program. Audio for songs, chants, directions, listening activities, videos, and Picture Cards is included.
    Link Download Little Island
  2. Hello.

    What's password file?
  3. admin

    admin Thư Viện Sách Việt Staff Member Quản Trị Viên


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