Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL Test The Paper Test with Answer Key

Discussion in 'English for Exams' started by admin, Feb 10, 2015.

  1. admin

    admin Thư Viện Sách Việt Staff Member Quản Trị Viên

    Confidence. This book/audio package gives students all the tools they need to succeed on the TOEFL® paper-based test. Providing both a comprehensive language skills course and a wealth of practice for all sections of the paper test, the Longman Preparation Course is appropriate for courses in TOEFL® test preparation or as a supplement to more general ESL courses.

    In the Student Book:

    Complete language skills instruction for skills tested on both the TOEFL® paper test and the Test of Written English.
    Longer reading passages that reflect the latest testing format. Diagnostic pre-tests and evaluationpost-tests for each section that allow students to identify their strengths and weaknesses.
    Practice exercises for each of the language skills that maximize understanding and retention.
    Five complete Practice Tests that familiarize students with the actual test format and timing.

    Link Download
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2016
  2. yenkute

    yenkute Guest

    Cho mình hỏi pass giải nén là gì vậy?
    Cảm ơn admin.
  3. vender

    vender Guest

    Xin anh admin cho mình hỏi password giải nén là gì vậy? Cảm ơn admin
  4. admin

    admin Thư Viện Sách Việt Staff Member Quản Trị Viên

    pass: langacademy.net

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