SuperMemo UX Extreme English Complete Series

Discussion in 'English for Students' started by admin, May 18, 2013.

  1. admin

    admin Thư Viện Sách Việt Staff Member Quản Trị Viên


    Here's the state-of-the-art learning tool, SuperMemo UX Extreme English. All series are included with Grammar and Idioms in Use.

    - SuperMemo UX Extreme English Basic (ISO) (Size: 385.21 MB)
    - SuperMemo UX Extreme English Intermediate (ISO) (Size: 988.38 MB)
    - SuperMemo UX Extreme English Advanced (ISO) (Size: 956.38 MB)
    - SuperMemo UX Extreme English Proficiency (ISO) (Size: 758.59 MB)
    - SuperMemo UX Extreme English Grammar and Idioms in Use (Size: 673.19 MB)

    SuperMemo UX is a state-of-the-art tool for computer-assisted learning. The latest version of the application has been equipped with a smart, intuitive and user-friendly interface. All the types of exercises used in the previous versions of SuperMemo have been re-implemented. What is more, new types of exercises, especially designed for autonomous learning, have been added.[cut]

    Basic types of exercises
    - multiple choice tests,
    - cloze tests and droplists,
    - paraphrases,
    - drag and drop (for categorisation or sentence filling),
    - ordering lists,
    - selecting phrases,
    - true-or-false tests,
    - and more ...

    Additional features
    - multiple user management; with only one installation many users can learn from the courses, without the need to copy them,
    - simultaneous learning from many courses, without the need to switch between them manually,
    - selection of the material, including and excluding it from repetitions,
    - a built-in keyboard with diacritics of a given language,
    - a concise dictionary including the course vocabulary,
    - a schedule of the repetitions planned for a given month,
    - automatic online update of the application and course material,
    - a built-in speech analyser, which allows you to test and correct your pronunciation on your own.

    With the latest version of the application you can also create and edit your own courses. Using a built-in software programme, you can easily design your own courses with a variety of exercises. With the programme it is also possible to add graphics and sound recordings to every page of the course. Your recordings operate with the built-in speech analyser, thus enabling you to use it in your own courses as well.

    More Info @ SuperMemo

    SuperMemo UX Extreme English - Complete Series (ISO)


    Last edited: Aug 27, 2015
  2. admin

    admin Thư Viện Sách Việt Staff Member Quản Trị Viên

    - SuperMemo UX Extreme English Basic (ISO) (Size: 385.21 MB)
    - SuperMemo UX Extreme English Intermediate (ISO) (Size: 988.38 MB)
    - SuperMemo UX Extreme English Advanced (ISO) (Size: 956.38 MB)
    - SuperMemo UX Extreme English Proficiency (ISO) (Size: 758.59 MB)
    - SuperMemo UX Extreme English Grammar and Idioms in Use (Size: 673.19 MB)

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