[IMG] Advanced Language Practice 3rd Edition 2009 | ISO | 540MB New edition now come with CD-ROM for added computer-basbed practice - ideal for...
[IMG] Format : PDF , MP3 ,VOB , avi | Size : 3.17 GB An exciting and intensive exams preparation course tailored to meet the needs of your...
[IMG] DVD eBook Macmillan Laser 5 Levels Student's Book + Workbook + Teacher's Book + Audio CDs + MultiROM 37 Files | 2,8 GB | Year 2012...
[IMG] Macmillan English Grammar In Context, a three-level grammar practice series with a difference. Incorporating contextual examples in grammar...
[IMG] Vocabulary in Context was written especially for you. The program was designed to enrich your personal word bank with many hundreds of...
[IMG] Destination Grammar is the ideal grammar and vocabulary practice book for all students preparing to take any B1 level exam. The book...
[IMG] Hot English Magazine 2015 №156 Publisher: Hot English Publishing | Date: 2015 | Pages: 52 | Format: PDF+MP3 | Size: 63.88MB Learn over 300...
[IMG] DVD eBook Cambridge ESOL Activities 3 Levels Practical Language Activities for Living in the UK and Ireland 6 Files | 500 MB | Year 2008...
[IMG] 好評の『毎 日の聞きとり50日』の初級編。分かり易いイラストとコンパクトな構成で、初級文法を耳から確認するのに最適。学習者の負担を減らすため、問題文には英 語、中国語、韓国語訳が付いている。別冊スクリプト・解答付き。「初級日本語聴解練習 毎日の聞きとり50日(下)...
[IMG] 好評の「毎日の聞きとり」シリーズに新たに加わった中上級教材。上下各20課の全40課からなり、日本の文化から現在の社会事情まで、楽しいトピックが満載。聴解用CDが1枚ずつ付いてさらに学習しやすくなった。 Link Download N2_毎日の聞きとり Plus40...
[IMG] 好評の「毎日の聞きとり」シリーズの中上級教材。上下各20課の全40課からなり、日本の文化や現在の社会事情など、楽しいトピックが満載。聴解用CDが1枚ずつ付いてさらに学習しやすくなりました。 日 本語能力 試験(にほんごのうりょくしけん、Japanese Language...
[IMG] 『新文化初級日本語』の副教材。他の、初級さらには中級以上の教科書を使っている学習者にも利用できる。日本語学習の初期の段階から少しずつ「読む力」をつけていくことができるように工夫して作られている。 2000...
[IMG] 2000 年5月、入社2年目で九州のK市のN店の店長を任ぜられる。辞令の一週間後に九州にフェリーで車とともに旅立つ。船に揺られ延々20時間。店長も初めてな...
[IMG] This reader for advanced beginning students of Japanese contains 12 short illustrated essays in Japanese describing the cultural practices...
[IMG] 登録情報 雑誌 出版社: 株式会社 学習研究社 (1992) 言語: 日本語 ASIN: B00KJYD09A 発売日: 1992 商品パッケージの寸法: 25.4 x 17.8 x 1.4 cm Link Download N2_最新大進化論.pdf...
[IMG] 「初 級の勉強がおわりました。初級の復習をして、中級クラスに進む準備をしたいのですが」「もっとすらすら話せるようになりたい!自分で練習する方法はありま...
[IMG] ■日本語能力試験(JLPT)N2/N3を受ける人を対象にした問題集!■...
[IMG] 日 本語能力試験で正解を選べる力がつく、学習しやすい構成。1級・2級の出題基準300項目を11章に分類。学習しやすい1日2ページ40日完成。毎日の学...
[IMG] English Teaching Professional Magazine -------------- Hỗ trợ copy USB/HDD/DVD: 100.000 VNĐ Ví điện tử Bảo Kim, Ngân Lượng & Paypal:...
[IMG] A workbook to help adult learners of English to improve their handwriting. Work on your Handwriting will help students to improve their...
[IMG] A workbook that introduces the most frequently used phrasal verbs in English and shows you how to use them effectively. Collins Work on your...
[IMG] Collins Work on your Grammar – Pre-Intermediate (A2) is a new practice book that covers the key grammar points needed by learners of English...
[IMG] A workbook that introduces the most frequently used idioms in English and shows you how to use them effectively. Collins Work on your Idioms...
[IMG] This major new edition of the Collins COBUILD English Grammar is a modern, global and learner-focussed grammar reference, aimed at learners...
[IMG] A comprehensive and clear guide for those looking to improve their English grammar for use in the workplace. If you are required to use...
[IMG] The vocabulary covered in Collins Work on your Vocabulary – Elementary (A1) has been carefully selected based on Collins Corpus research and...
[IMG] DVD eBook Cambridge Active Listening 2nd Edition 3 Levels Student's Book + Teacher's Manual + Audio CDs 19 Files | 2,0 GB | Year 2006...
[IMG] DVD eBook Listening Practice Through Dictation 4 Levels Word List + Transcript + Answer key + Audio CDs 15 Files | PDF, MP3 | Year 2007...
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