[IMG] First Friends makes children's first year of learning English motivating and fun. A regular unit cycle and engaging support resources help...
[IMG] The new exam preparation series for Cambridge ESOL exams which inspires students to better exam results. With its fresh design, high-level...
[IMG] Laser - a new edition of one of the most popular in Russia three-level teaching kit for students in 8th - 11th grades.The main objective of...
[IMG] The First Certificate in English is at Level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, teaching, assessment...
[IMG] Cambridge English for Schools Practice Tests have been designed to familiarise students with the level and format of the Cambridge English...
[IMG] Cambridge Vocabulary for First Certificate covers all the vocabulary First Certificate candidates need. It provides students with practice...
[IMG] Mastering the FCE Examination: Student book and Audio Adrian Simmons, Mastering the FCE Examination: Student book and Audio Pages: 219 |...
[IMG] Student's Book + Teacher's Book + Audio CDs The book provides systematic development of students´ listening and speaking skills. It also...
[IMG] Help your students know what to expect in the exam, feel more confident and improve their results. Students get realistic practice in all...
[IMG] Student's book, Workbook + Audio + CD-ROM, Class Audio CDs, Teacher's book, Test CD Laser B1+ is part of a modern and exciting three-level...
[IMG] Level: Intermediate Language: International English Top Notch TV 2 is a hilarious TV-style situation comedy that reintroduces language from...
[IMG] This will include the complete collection that offers CD-ROM in ISO Image, Books and Audio Files.. I've got to say, It's not really easy to...
[IMG] File Info [New Headway Beginner 4th Edition iTutor] Publisher: Oxford University | Level: Elementary | File Type: MDX | Size: 1.01 GB New...
[IMG] Engaging texts, new video content and a comprehensive digital package are just some of the features that make this fully revised edition...
[IMG] Drawing on National Geographic content, Life transforms the learning experience into a fabulous journey with irresistible images, articles...
[IMG] Life B1+ Intermediate Student's Book Audio CD + eBook PDF Welcome to Life, an exciting new six-level adult series that turns learning...
[IMG] Life • Pre-Intermediate B1 • Student's Book with VIDEO 2013 | English | ISBN 1133315704 | Video-DVD | PDF 94 pages | 2.33 GB Welcome to...
[IMG] Life B1 Pre-Intermediate Workbook eBook PDF + Audio CD Welcome to Life, an exciting new six-level adult series that turns learning English...
[IMG] Das neue Lehrwerk von National Geographic Learning in 6 Bänden wurde speziell für den Einsatz in der Erwachsenenbildung entwickelt und...
[IMG] Welcome to Life, an exciting new six-level adult series that turns learning English into an exploration of the world we live in. Drawing on...
[IMG] Furry, slimy, scaly, or fluffy, you’ll find your favorite creatures ready to explore right alongside you with The Everything Kids’ Animal...
[IMG] Includes activities in Language Arts, Math, Arts and Crafts, Music, Science, and Social Awareness Terrific Topics Fall Pre-KG1...
[IMG] English Adventure makes learning English a magical, memorable experience, by using the familiar fantastic world of Disney characters that...
[IMG] The fact that you are beginning to study this book shows that you are no longer what is called an Intermediate student of English but can be...
[IMG] 『毎日の聞きとり50日』シリーズの初級編が、待望のCD付き新装版になりました。場面や背景も含めた総合的な日本語の理解を目指す、聴解教材の定番で...
[IMG] 日本語能力試験出題基準で示された2級漢字1000のうち707字を取り上げ、各漢字に訓読み、音読み、画数、筆順を示した上で、それぞれの読み方について語例を紹介した。中級の力を固め上級を目ざす人に好適。 ペーパーバック 出版社: 専門教育出版 (2004/12) ISBN-10:...
[IMG] Intermediate Kanji introduces 667 new characters that are often found in newspaper articles and more specialized reading materials,...
[IMG] 地球上になぜ生命が発生したのか? 101匹目のサルが芋を洗ったとたん、なぜ全島のサルも芋洗いして食べるようになったか? 大胆な仮説で生命と意識の謎に迫るワトソン博士の原点。 単行本: 510ページ 出版社: 工作舎 (1981/01) ISBN-10: 4875020775...
[IMG] このテキストは入学試験や大学の授業で小論文・レポートを書く必要がある日本語学習者を対象にした教科書です。入学試験の小論文の問題で出題された話題の...
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