50 Steps to Improving Your Grammar Study Book

Discussion in 'English for Skills' started by admin, Oct 30, 2017.

  1. admin

    admin Thư Viện Sách Việt Staff Member Quản Trị Viên

    50 Steps to Improving Your Grammar 50 Steps to Improving Your Grammar builds on the success of 50 Steps to Improving Your Academic Writing and takes the reader through a comprehensive sequence of stages designed for the benefit of international students. The book clearly differentiates the grammatical requirements needed in a variety of contexts, for example in business, study or everyday conversation. The step-by-step guide is packed full of information critical to achieving grammatical accuracy, including: * building on existing knowledge of grammar * the most important areas of grammar that help to communicate more effectively in English * checking understanding of key areas of grammar with clear activities and exercises * demonstrating that English grammar is not as difficult as people think * a chapter devoted to academic grammar 50 Steps to Improving Your Grammar is arranged in an order that reflects best practice, beginning with word class and progressing through sentence structure, punctuation and style. The book is designed so that students can either work through the steps in order or can focus on known areas of weakness. Each step should take approximately one hour to complete.
    • Paperback
    • Publisher: Garnet Education (April 28, 2016)
    • Language: Spanish
    • ISBN-10: 1782602224
    • ISBN-13: 978-1782602224
    • Package Dimensions: 9.9 x 8 x 0.3 inches
    Link Download

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