Best Practices for Teaching Reading: What Award-Winning Classroom Teachers Do

Discussion in 'English for Skills' started by admin, Jan 17, 2015.

  1. admin

    admin Thư Viện Sách Việt Staff Member Quản Trị Viên

    Best Practices for Teaching Reading: What Award-Winning Classroom Teachers Do. Randi Stone, "Best Practices for Teaching Reading: What Award-Winning Classroom Teachers Do"

    Best Practices for Teaching Reading is the fifth book of a five-volume series: The collection also includes Best Practices for Teaching Social Studies, Best Practices for Teaching Writing, Best Practices for Teaching Science, and Best Practices for Teaching Math.
    This unique guide provides exemplary teaching practices from award-winning teachers who are willing to share their expertise. These are the teachers we read about in journals and magazines, the teachers who win grants, fellowships, and contests. Enjoy “poking your nose” into great classrooms!
    With 40 classroom-tested strategies from award-winning teachers, this book offers guidance for teaching reading to elementary and secondary learners with diverse learning styles and abilities.
    PDF in RAR 1.44 Mb

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