Cambridge Business English Activities

Discussion in 'English for Business' started by thinganbui, Apr 26, 2017.

  1. thinganbui

    thinganbui Guest

    What is Cambridge Business English Activities? Cambridge Business English Activities is a book of 43 activities for enlivening business English classes. The activities are student-centred, highly participative and designed to complement most business English syllabi and coursebooks. As many of the activities are designed to provide students with conversation practice, they can also be used successfully with students of general English.
    Who is the book for? The book can be used with both experienced business people and pre-experience learners, in a variety of learning contexts. It has been designed as a flexible resource. There are whole group, small group and pairwork activities, with information in the Teaching notes on adapting the material for different-sized groups. Using it in a one-to-one situation is also given special comment. Almost all the activities can be used with a micro group or in a one-to-one class.
    Which levels can the material be used with? There are activities for elementary up to advanced levels in this book and the Teaching notes for each activity indicate the most appropriate level(s) for use. The activities foster a cooperative approach to learning that can help mixed level groups work better together. Also, the Teaching notes indicate when an activity can be adapted easily to other levels.
    • Author: Jane Cordell
    • Paperback: 129 pages
    • Publisher: Cambridge University Press 2000
    • Language: English
    • ISBN: 978-0-521-58734-1
    Link Download

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