DVD-ROM English Discoveries - Learn to Speak American English

Discussion in 'English for Students' started by admin, Aug 24, 2015.

  1. admin

    admin Thư Viện Sách Việt Staff Member Quản Trị Viên

    The student should try to listen to the recording the first time without the script. After that, s/he can click See Script, see the text and use the highlighted sentences to improve their comprehension.In Practice mode the student reinforces comprehension of the listening passage, reinforces vocabulary, etc. In the Test mode, the student’s comprehension of the unit is evaluated. All the components in a unit are around a common topic to help reinforce the content,vocabulary and structures. This also facilitates classroom ntegration. The student can learn the main words in text in context. By opening the key word window, s/he can hear the word, see it in another sentence, see what part of speech it is and see an illustration of it. A range of exercise types provide practice and reinforcement in reading comprehension and vocabulary acquisition. Classification is an important skill in comprehension. Students are required to drag items to their correct place in the table.The grammar component provides explanations and practice in all the main grammatical structures, forms and tenses.
    Link Download [1.63 GB]

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