The purpose of this DICTIONARY is to quickly FIND THE WORD AS IT SOUNDS when we do not remember how it is spelled. YOU DO NOT NEED TO KNOW HOW TO SPELL IT TO FIND IT. Multitudes have spent countless hours searching dictionaries to know which way to spell English words. There are so many different ways the WORD SOUNDS are written that very few individuals can be certain of the correct spellings. The phonetic language of MID-AMERICA is the basis of this DICTIONARY. It is the median dialect of America SPOKEN by most prominent speakers, television and radio announcers, educators and public leaders. It is readily understood by those with local dialects and by those of other nationalities with a speaking ability in the English language of America. Title: Find The Word As It Sounds Dictionary: 15,000 Entries In Spoken American English ISBN: 0936860197 Author: Merrell C. Henry; Lucile H. Henry Publisher: Orem, Utah : Fonetik Books Year: 1984 Language: English Paperback: 256 Size: 27.24 MB Format: PDF-SCAN Link download