If you find spelling difficult, whether you are a student or scholar, a writer or editor, a manager or secretary, or anyone who writes or types regularly, the Funk & Wagnalh Speller will help you. Here is a comprehensive list of more than 30,000 words, including technical terms, slang and place names. In addition you will find a list of abbreviations and acronyms together with their meanings. Each multisyllable word is divided to show where it can properly be broken when it falls at the end of a line when typing or writing. A short hyphen indicates where a word can be broken; a long hyphen indicates that the word itself is hyphenated. Title: Funk & Wagnalls Speller ISBN: 0060911441 Author: none Publisher: New York : Harper & Row Year: 1984 Language: English Paperback: 228 Size: 9.77 MB Format: PDF-SCAN Link download https://nitro.download/view/DAA1A21525E99B6https://nitroflare.com/folder/949760/L00VuZ2xpc2g=