Grammar is a difficult subject, even for native speakers. ESL students can occasionally feel completely overwhelmed. Even if you’re the type of ESL professional who has mastered infusing fun into all your classroom plans, you may still be struggling with those grammar lessons. That’s why it’s no surprise to us that our “How to Teach Grammar Like a Pro” Series, Vol. 1 and Vol. 2, have both become bestsellers. Tenses, parts of speech, predicates – it’s hard to make students understand how important they are during the best of times, but during a boring lesson, their brains may check out altogether. Fortunately, we have the answer, and you can learn it very, very quickly. 80 tips and tricks for teaching parts of speech 20 brand new ideas to integrate into innovative lessons on teaching tenses 23 tips in our “must read” sections to help you become an expert 60 other ideas for teaching types of grammar, such as clauses and articles All together, 185 step-by-step instructions for turning unhappy class Link download