Keys For Writers 3rd Edition

Discussion in 'English for Skills' started by nhandang123, Dec 4, 2021.

  1. nhandang123

    nhandang123 Guest

    A decade ago I began writing the First Edition of Keysfor Writers with lithe view that the best handbook is the one that students will use. As a longtime composition and ESL teacher, I had become frustrated that various assigned handbooks seemed to play little or no significant role in improving students' writing. Despite encouragement, tutorials, and other instruction, many students did not independently open their handbooks to find answers to their particular questions. I wrote Keysfor Writers to be extremely accessible both in terms of form and content, and I class-tested it every step of the way. From my own ongoing classroom experience, from broad student surveys, and from the thoughtful feed¬ back of many other teachers, I know that Keysfor Writers has succeeded as a resource that students keep open and at hand, not closed and on a shelf. It is a resource that has helped students to improve their writing.
    • Publisher : Boston : Houghton Mifflin
    • Publication date : 2002
    • Language : English
    • Paperback : 514 pages
    • ISBN-10 : 0618115234
    • ISBN-13 : 9780618115235
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