Kindergarten Reading Skills Workbook

Discussion in 'Teacher's Resources Book' started by Nminhanh25, May 24, 2018.

  1. Nminhanh25

    Nminhanh25 Guest

    Guided Lessons are a sequence of interactive digital games, worksheets, and other activities that guide learners through different concepts and skills. They keep track of your progress and help you study smarter, step by step.
    In first grade, kids are piecing together all the words and letters they can decode in order to build stronger reading fluency. This is why their understanding of sight words, or commonly occurring words, is so important. This guided lesson familiarizes first graders with the sight words they will most frequently encounter in texts, boosting their decoding and comprehension skills.
    Link Download
    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2018

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