Kingfisher Children's Pocket Thesaurus

Discussion in 'English for Kids' started by nhandang123, May 16, 2022.

  1. nhandang123

    nhandang123 Guest

    This book is called a thesaurus, which is a Latin word of Greek origin, meaning ‘a treasury or storehouse of information’, particularly when it deals with words and collections of words. If you examine what this book contains, you will see that is exactly what it is: a collection of words. It is a kind of dictionary, with a list of words in alphabetical order. Instead of simply giving the meaning of a word, it tells you of other words that have a s/Vn/'/ar meaning. Suppose you began a letter to a friend with the sentence / hope you have a nicq time on your holiday. The word nice sounds dull in this case. If you look up the word nice in this thesaurus, you will find that it gives you a short list of words that you could use instead: pleasant, agreeable, amiable, charming, delightful. Such words are known as synonyms. The word nice also has another meaning, which is quite different: precise, accurate, fine, subtle.
    • Title: Kingfisher Children's Pocket Thesaurus
    • ISBN: 9780753402023
    • Author: George Beal
    • Publisher: London : Kingfisher
    • Year: 1997
    • Language: English
    • Paperback: 164
    • Size: 7.27 MB
    • Format: PDF-OCR
    Link download

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