"Penguin Readers" is a series of simplified novels, film novelizations and original titles that introduce students at all levels to the pleasures of reading in English. Originally designed for teaching English as a foreign language, the series' combination of high interest level and low reading age makes it suitable for both English-speaking teenagers with limited reading skills and students of English as a second language. Many titles in the series also provide access to the pre-20th century literature strands of the National Curriculum English Orders. Paperback: 70 pages Publisher: Pearson Education ESL; 1 edition (February 15, 2000) Language: English ISBN-10: 0582419212 ISBN-13: 978-0582419216 Product Dimensions: 5.1 x 0.2 x 7.8 inches Link Download http://nitroflare.com/view/32FA94D1C052347/https://nitroflare.com/folder/949760/L00VuZ2xpc2g=