[PDF+CD] PTE Academic Practice Tests Plus with Key

Discussion in 'English for Exams' started by thinganbui, May 11, 2017.

  1. thinganbui

    thinganbui Guest

    PTE Academic (Pearson Test of English Academic) is an international computer-based English language test. It accurately measures English language ability and can be used to apply to educational institutions, and professional and government organizations. The test uses task-based questions to represent the kinds of functions and situations students win find themselves in during academic study. Most real-life tasks in an academic setting involve using more than one language skill together. for example listening to a lecture and writing notes. PTE Academic reflects this through its 20 task types, each of which tests a combination of skills. For example, one task type asks you to demonstrate your understanding of a passage by providing a written summary, while another tests your understanding of a lecture by asking you to re-tell the lecture.
    • Paperback: 213 pages
    • Publisher: Pearson Education Limited 2013
    • Language: English
    • ISBN: 978-1-4479-3794-4
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