Increase your TOEFL iBT score by increasing your speaking and writing scores. How? By using the strategy called argument mapping. Why argument mapping? Because the TOEFL iBT speaking and writing sections are all argument-based tasks. That means if you want high speaking and writing scores, you must know how to map out (develop and deliver) spoken and written arguments, quickly and proficiently. With argument mapping, you will be able to do just that. Best of all, you can apply argument mapping to all six speaking tasks and both writing tasks. That means you will spend less time reading about strategies and more time practicing them. Paperback: 394 pages Publisher: Nova Press; Pap/Com St edition (August 7, 2015) Language: English ISBN-10: 1889057584 ISBN-13: 978-1889057583 Product Dimensions: 0.8 x 8.2 x 10.8 inches Link Download