The goal of reading instruction is to produce good readers who enjoy reading. A good reader not only reads the words in the text correctly, but also makes meaning from the text. Good readers have personal interactions with the author by relating the text to his or her own personal experiences. Making meaning and relating personal experiences are essential parts of reading comprehension. Reading comprehension is one of the hardest things to teach because there are so many components involved. This book breaks down the different skills used by good readers. It contains activities which can be used to lay the foundation necessary to build the following comprehension skills: finding the main idea, recognizing story structure, sequencing, predicting, drawing conclusions, and recognizing the relationship between cause and effect. Age Range: 5 - 6 years Grade Level: Kindergarten and up Series: Reading for Every Child Paperback: 400 pages Publisher: Instructional Fair; Workbook edition (January 29, 2005) Language: English ISBN-10: 0742429407 ISBN-13: 978-0-74242-040-3 Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 1 x 11 inches Link Download