Teaching sight words can be pure poetry! These kid-pleasing poems help kids recognize and read words from the Dolch list in a playful, engaging context. Ready-to-use companion lessons include easy games and hands-on activities to teach sight words that are antonyms and synonyms, adjectives and verbs, and more. Features predictable rhyming text perfect for emergent readers! Series: Teaching Resources Paperback: 112 pages Publisher: Teaching Resources (July 1, 2005) Language: English ISBN-10: 0439574048 ISBN-13: 978-0439574044 Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 0.5 x 10.8 inches Link download http://nitroflare.com/view/CC506D6ED8B5E4Fhttps://nitroflare.com/folder/949760/L00VuZ2xpc2g=