Sentences, Paragraphs, and Beyond: With Integrated Readings 6th Edition

Discussion in 'English for Students' started by admin, Feb 7, 2015.

  1. admin

    admin Thư Viện Sách Việt Staff Member Quản Trị Viên

    Sentences, Paragraphs, and Beyond: With Integrated Readings
    Lee Brandon, Kelly Brandon, "Sentences, Paragraphs, and Beyond: With Integrated Readings, 6 edition"
    English | 2010 | 502 pages | PDF | 11.00MB​

    Sentences, Paragraphs, and Beyond is the first in the popular two-level Brandon series. Written in an informal, engaging tone, this easy-to-use text incorporates sentence-level grammar and mechanics with in-depth instruction in the writing process and patterns of writing. Reading instruction offers students the opportunity to analyze readings and practice the reading-based writing required in academic environments. Students will master common writing patterns while learning to use texts as a springboard for their own writing in the form of summary, reaction, or response. High-interest, distinctive readings are integrated throughout the Sixth Edition for analysis and as models of good writing. Clear, explicit writing prompts support each reading and focus on reading-based, cross-curricular, career-related, and general topics. In addition, the photo/art program promotes critical thinking, lively discussion, and analytical writing. Flexibility of instruction permits instructors to emphasize the paragraph or the essay, or to mix units.
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