The Misspeller’s Dictionary is designed for the thousands of people who spell the way they hear. We began by compiling the most comprehensive list of words that are difficult to spell, and then we misspelled these words. One exception to our rule is that we did not misspell a word if a particular misspelling fell fairly close in alphabetical order to the actual spelling. If you can come that close to the correct spelling, you will be able to find it. We did, however, misspell extremely difficult words like hem¬ orrhoid (hemroid) because the misspelling very often did not look or sound like the actual word. We did not misspell every word, but we left the difficult words in so that you can check yourself when you get stuck. Title: The Misspeller's Dictionary ISBN: 0139633308 Author: Peter And C. Norback Publisher: [New York] Quadrangle Year: 1974 Language: English Paperback: 248 Size: 7.65 MB Format: PDF-SCAN Link download